10 things you should DEFINITELY Google

Having a bad day? We're going to tell you 10 awesome things you should Google to make your day better. Let the Googling begin!

Ever since people started their misadventures with the Google search engine, there have been articles about what you shouldn’t Google. Right from Mr. Hands to Tub Girl (please, please don’t go there) the deep web has some pretty creepy and disturbing videos and images.

But hey, we’re a bunch of happy-sunshine optimists and we wanna show you the brighter side of the planet. WHY would you want to waste your time looking at clock spiders and mentally scarring videos when the internet is full of nicer things. We bring to you our list of top 10 things you should definitely Google.

Warning: Fuzzy feelings and smiles ahead.


This furry little critter is given the title of ‘The Happiest Animal in the World’ and we can’t stop smiling at its cute face.

(Photo: Pinterest)

(Photo: Pinterest)

(Photo: Pinterest)

Jedi cats
It’s a kitty. It’s a Jedi. It’s a light-saber wielding savage Jedi cat. (10/10 would pat)

(Photo: Youtube/FinalCutKing)

(Photo: Youtube/FinalCutKing)

Happy Batman

Literally just pictures and GIFs of Batman smiling will make your day so much better.

(Photo: Pinterest)

(Photo: Pinterest)

Nyan Pikachu

Yes, Nyan cat is adorable but Nyan Pikachu is THE cutest thing on the internet. Pika Pika.

(Photo: Youtube/Korax Sciurus)

Kangaroo diaper

Pictures of baby Kangaroos wearing diapers. Yes. Yes. YES.

(Photo: Pinterest)

(Photo: Pinterest)

Nutella baby

Love Nutella? Love babies? Nuff said.

(Photo: weheartit.com)

(Photo: weheartit.com)


Doggo memes are all you need to brighten up your day. Cute everyday adventures and dog conversations are priceless.

(Photo: Pinterest)

(Photo: Pinterest)

Chibi Deadpool

Deadpool is a certified badass. Wait..what..what is that? Chibi Deadpool? CUTE!

(Photo: Pinterest)

(Photo: Pinterest)

Business dogs
Now you listen up Brian, I don’t have time to deal with your nonsense. We’re going through ruff times and I need the papers right now.

(Photo: Pinterest)

(Photo: Pinterest)

(Photo: Pinterest)

Atari breakout

Bored at work? Go to Google, type in Atari breakout and click I’m feeling lucky. You’re welcome.

(Photo: Google image search screenshot)