11 hilariously honest tweets about parenting that even children would find relatable

These parenting tweets are so funny that even children, who are grown up enough to understand what torture they put their parents through, would find them relatable. Read on.

Parenting can be hard and obviously, time-consuming. Taking care of a baby is obviously a task — from ensuring their comfortable, to making sure they sleep, eat and poop on time. At times, first time parents have to go through a lot of things they are not even prepared for. Only people who have become parents can empathise and perhaps even kids, who are now grown up enough to understand what they put their parents through when they were young.

We all can identify with the situations when our parents used to scold us for having that extra candy, when we threw a tantrum to buy us something and didn’t like it later, and also, how we would fight with our parents to wear something we want versus what they wanted us to. And parents are no less, from pretending to listen to our stupid stories to eating away all the candies they stopped us from having, apparently, not everything is that bad about parenting.

Here are 11 tweets that honestly capture what parenting can be like and as a child also, some of them are so relatable that they’re funny.






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