If you’re familiar with Indians, you would know just how much they love a big fat wedding… the embellished dresses, the fancy venues and the grandiose gifts. Our weddings are so majestic, there’s no scope for underplaying it, even when it comes to something as small as a wedding invite. Indian wedding invites go far and beyond a pretty paper with embossed lettering.
An Indian wedding invitation is no less than a bride’s bejewelled gown. They are adorned with golden threads and ethnic artwork, packed in ribbons and what now. Sometimes, they even come with dry fruits or presents. Because we know the wedding invite is not just to call guests at a certain place and time. It is a teaser of how lavish the wedding is going to be; a sort of a teaser to make them want to come.
Of course, now that there is this added pressure of what the wedding invitation should look like, people spend a lot of time designing that perfect wedding card. Make it too modest and people will get the impression that yours will be a ‘pheka’ wedding. Overdo it and… Actually, that is never really a problem as long as you can afford it. After all, we have had wedding cards with video invites (with LCD screens and all) in them for crying out loud!
So, just in case you or someone you know is getting married and you are feeling like you are all out of ideas, here is a list of the most creative, over-the-top and fascinating wedding invites that you can totally copy because who the heck wouldn’t?!
1. The credit card-wedding card
2. The one e-money flexible wedding
3. The movie poster
4. The flight boarding pass
5. The blow-it-up wedding card
6. The book-lover’s dream invitation
7. The tie-the-knot
8. The fingerprint invite
9. The view-master
10. The “perfect match”
11. The geek wedding invitation
(source: Quora)
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