Growing up, people cannot wait to hit their 20s. They assume it will be all fun and partying and getting drunk (legally). Pfft! Kids, amirite? But, the moment you leave behind your teenage years, all hell breaks loose. You see, back in your teenage years, you are safe! You’re in school, nobody really expects anything from you, and your bad behaviour gets blamed on teenage hormones. Basically, you’re excused if you mess up; nobody really gives a crap. But, you lose all those privileges once you grow up. And I mean “grow up” here very loosely.
Once you’re all grown up, you are expected to, firstly, behave. Have manners and stuff. So, you spend most of your adult life running away from your feelings or crying yourself to sleep thanks to all the “holding yourself together” you have to do when people are around. Seriously, kids, don’t grow up. It’s a nightmare! And sadly, there’s no ‘Adulting 101’ class in college either, so you’ll be all on your own.
But, unfortunately, if you have already grown up and are sucking at it pretty hard, here are 21 things that you would totally relate to:
1. You try and keep a close check on your sleeping pattern (’cause now you have to)
2. But you still end up getting late every day
3. Your meals include takeout food and Maggi now that you have to cook
4. When it randomly hits you that you’re not a child anymore:
5. That mini heart attack you get when the domestic help wants to talk to YOU
6. You’re still not used to going to the doctor all by yourself (but mostly you just bear with your sicknesses)
7. Or going to the grocery store…
8. Juggling work, friends, family, relationships like…
9. And with everything else falling to bits, your professional life inevitably gets messy
10. A little part of you dies inside every time a new bill hits you
11. ERMAAGARRRRD! What is dem taxes, bro?
12. “I’ll save Rs 10,000 this month.” Account Bal- Rs 9,999. “I’ll save Rs 5,000 this month.”
13. You’ve gained a sudden hatred towards the word “responsibilities”
14. You’re a pro-procrastinator
15. You flip out when younger people rely on you to be THE ADULT
16. Returning from work to see that nobody magically appeared to clean your house…
17. You often find yourself cancelling on friends even though you REALLY need a break
18. Checking your account balance always ends in tears
19. People often tell you that you “whine too much”
20. You use humour and denial to get yourself through hardships
21. Finally, this is you most of the time:
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