Many airlines are in news these days some for banning people and others for dragging their customers. Time and again, customers use Twitter as a platform to share their complaints and grievances. Some are heard while others are effortlessly ignored. But this particular episode deserves an award. Roshan Agarwal, an Indigo airlines customer, took to Twitter to express grievances for his misplaced luggage. Apparently, the airlines sent his luggage to Hyderabad while it Roshan was flying to Calcutta. In a sarcastic tone, Roshan tweeted, ” Thank you for sending my baggage to Hyd and flying me to Calcutta at the same time. Brilliant Service. #DieIndigo”
Thank you for sending my baggage to Hyd and flying me to Calcutta at the same time. Brilliant service. #DieIndigo— Roshan Agarwal (@roshansxc) April 30, 2017
Wait, it gets better. Failing to smell sarcasm in the tweet, the social media team of Indigo airlines put out their heartfelt reply to Roshan’s tweet. They tweeted, “Glad to hear that.” Like, seriously?
@IndiGo6E How dumb can you be?
— Roshan Agarwal (@roshansxc) April 30, 2017
@IndiGo6E How dumb can you be?
— Roshan Agarwal (@roshansxc) April 30, 2017
This is sure to be the biggest facepalm experienced in unison by the netizens. Evidently embarrassed the airlines deleted the tweet immediately but our gold-digger Twitterati are always on the look out. The whole fiasco is going viral and has been retweeted hundreds of times. Even Twitterati are having a gala, take a look:
@roshansxc @IndiGo6E Atleast you didn’t get beat up and drag and drop service in plane
Thank your stars that atleast they know where your luggage is— kunal vaidya (@kunal_vaidya) May 3, 2017
@roshansxc @kitAnurag @IndiGo6E Oh @IndiGo6E, why? Why have you done this? Hope your SM team read full message rather than in hurry to reply using ready replies. #Fail
— Suresh Bhura (@SureshBhura) May 3, 2017
@roshansxc @IndiGo6E I think they have tied up with united, the sarcastic arrogance is showing 😉
— Sudin Kamat (@KamatSudin) May 3, 2017
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