SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali: The Conclusion has become the highest grosser of the Indian cinema crossing the Rs 1,000 crore mark. And not just Indians, the movie has managed to impress the audience abroad as well. With Rajamouli announcing the third part of the movie, the craze of the movie just refuses to die among its fans. The madness for the movie can easily be gauged from the fact that after SS Rajamouli’s exclusive Baahubali merchandise, the apparel industry gave us the gift that are sarees with Baahubali print on them.
Portrayed as a skilled-warrior in the movie, Avantika would be a Human Resource Manager if she worked in the IT industry, check out why:
So, Amarendra Baahubali’s warrior wife (and rebel) becomes a ‘bold techie girl’ in the tech-industry:
Played by Rana Daggubatti, Bhallaladeva, the step-brother of Amarendra Baahubali is simply ‘a lazy and jealous Developer’, basically the one who cannot see others succeeding and doing well:
One of the most strong-willed women in the movie, Sivagami would perfectly fit into the role of the Senior Lead/Senior Manager, according to this meme:
The long suffering Kattappa:
And then there’s the mandatory fresher bit:
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