BJP has been at the receiving end of flak and public anger ever since their demonetization move. While whether or not the move proves to be successful remains to be seen, citizens unable to acquire currency have gotten increasingly impatient and understandably so.
At such a time when the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party is already fighting criticism, the party’s Delhi chief Manoj Tiwari is making things far worse. The Delhi BJP chief has been caught on camera making sly remarks on those standing in queues outside ATMs. This video has been shared by several people on Facebook already where Tiwari is showing his insensitive side by mocking the plight of people.
Here is the Facebook post we found on a page that goes by the name ‘Truth of Gujarat’:
What makes such insensitivity even more unacceptable is that less than a month ago Manoj Tiwari was distributing laddoos to the citizens in lines at ATMs and had said that it is his way of thanking them for being patient towards the move. Even though, in the video he talks about how while talking to ABP reporters he garnered their support with a song about ‘deshbhakti’ and manipulated them into agreeing to the move, the tone is seemingly mocking.
No matter what the demonetization move does for the economy at both micro and macro levels, citizens have largely been patient towards the cash crunch and hurdles it has caused in their everyday life. At a time when public support is exactly what the party needs, the Delhi Chief being caught in a video of the sort could be a huge blow to the party’s image. The least leaders, irrespective of their party affiliations, could do at such a time is be sensitive and supportive at least on the face of the citizens.
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