Veteran actor Vinod Khanna, who was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai, on March 31 due to severe dehydration, is better now, said the hospital in a statement today. However, the time the veteran actor’s picture showing him in a bad shape went viral, rumours about his death started doing the rounds on the social media.
Going a step further, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Meghalaya observed a two-minute silence on Saturday to pay respect to the actor. However, the BJP later came up with a clarification stating that few of their members had seen the news of his death on television and they believed it without verifying. They also issued an apology for the same and said the actor is responding well to the treatment.
#WATCH: Faux pas by Meghalaya BJP; they observed silence after rumours of Vinod Khanna’s death surfaced.
— ANI (@ANI_news) April 8, 2017
On a related note, Khanna is a former BJP Lok Sabha member from Punjab’s Gurdaspur district. From the past few days, a picture of the actor in the hospital went viral on the social media. The 70-year-old-actor looked quite pale in the photo and his body transformation shocked everyone.
Since the time the picture has gone viral, wishes have been pouring in for his speedy recovery. The same photo had sparked off rumours about his death.
The 70-year-old was last seen in 2015 film Dilwale.
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