A teenage boy in Madhya Pradesh sustained severe injuries on his stomach after his mobile phone blasted due to overheating. The incident happened when the boy, 15, was playing a game on his mobile phone which was on charging.The phone set heated up and before he could realise, there was an explosion, leading to injuries on his abdomen.
The incident took place in Betul district and the boy has been identified as Kishore Bhavesh Deshmukh. Following the incident, the kid was rushed to a local hospital where he is being treated. According to an Indiatimes report, the doctors, treating the child, informed that the teenager is out of danger.
The teenager sustained one cm deep wound, covering 4 cm area. Bhavesh, a student of Class 9, started playing the game on phone after completing studies. Soon, the phone exploded.
At least 6 such cases were reported in a couple of years. In one such case, a mobile exploded in trousers of a daily wager of Panna Tiger Reserve.
This is the second incident in less than a fortnight’s time. In a similar incident on March 21, a kid lost one of his fingers after a mobile battery exploded in his hand in Singrauli district.
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