For all of those living under a blissful, ignorant shell, believing that the caste system is a part of India’s horrifying past, especially when it comes to the more urban/literate regions, pay attention. Casteism is still very much alive because prejudice is not something we’ve managed to recover from. It was taught to us and if you think that the society has managed to unlearn it, this Twitter thread is just the eye-opener you might have needed.
Twitter user @AashiqKabeer recently shared a series of screenshots of a conversation between a bigoted Brahmin man and what seems like a very patient woman. In the conversation, the man apparently attempts to court her by bragging about how Brahmins are the “most respected ethnic group” whose “semen is in high demand” in sperm banks. He also goes on to share a shirtless picture of himself to flaunt the janeu — a sacred thread usually worn by Brahmins across their chest.

(Courtesy: Twitter/@AashiqKabeer)

(Courtesy: Twitter/@AashiqKabeer)
If you think that that’s bad, then we should probably warn you, it gets worse. “The lowest community is Dalit (shudra),” the man goes on to say, “They are untouchable peoples (sic).” He then delves deeper into the history of the caste system.

(Courtesy: Twitter/@AashiqKabeer)

(Courtesy: Twitter/@AashiqKabeer)
“Talk dirty to me.”
Him: “We are very high caste peoples.”
But, oh no… He doesn’t stop there. Did you know Brahmins are basically white people? Explains the supremacy.

(Courtesy: Twitter/@AashiqKabeer)
“Brahmin people never hurt anyone emotionally.”
*20 secs later*
“Dalit women are seducing upper caste men.”

(Courtesy: Twitter/@AashiqKabeer)
Dalits = Black Americans?!

(Courtesy: Twitter/@AashiqKabeer)
Oooooh… He pops the question

(Courtesy: Twitter/@AashiqKabeer)

(Courtesy: Twitter/@AashiqKabeer)
He thinks law enforcement against caste oppression is a bad thing. What a surprise!

(Courtesy: Twitter/@AashiqKabeer)
Aaaaand for the big finale…

(Courtesy: Twitter/@AashiqKabeer)
He’s a misogynist as well!

(Courtesy: Twitter/@AashiqKabeer)

(Courtesy: Twitter/@AashiqKabeer)