Discarding the orthodox tradition and sending a strong message on women empowerment, a bride in Rajasthan’s Alwar district went on a horse cart for her marriage ceremony. According to a Times of India report, Jiya Sharma, the 25-year-old bride took her ‘baraat’ (marriage procession) to the venue where the groom’s family gave her a warm welcome.
Her friends danced along on the streets in a state that otherwise sees woman behind veils. The excitement was such that the residents lined up on both sides of the street and on terraces to catch a glimpse of the ‘baarat’.
According to the report, Jiya’s family had not given any dowry either. Notably, the groom’s father appreciated the move and said that this will send a strong message to the society as people don’t accept girl children in Rajasthan. He also said that such steps can give a strong message that there is no difference between boys and girls.
The report suggested that while preparing for the marriage of her daughter, the bride’s mother and aunt had told the groom’s family that the bride would reach the venue with the ‘baraat’ instead of the groom, to which they happily agreed.
The groom – Lokesh Sharma is a software engineer who works for an MNC in Gurugram, was also appreciative of the idea. He reportedly said that his wedding will be memorable as the couple have chosen to spread the message of equality.
“There is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it’s a proud moment for me,” the groom reportedly said.
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