We all love sharing throwback photos every now and then but Delhi Police surprised a lot of people when they marked ‘Throwback Thursday’ with a very special post on Twitter. The official Twitter handle of Delhi Police shared a photo of the first ever FIR (First Information Report) in Delhi which was filed way back in the 19th century, some 156 years ago!
The FIR, which is written in Urdu, reported the theft of a hookah, some kitchen utensils, women’s clothes and a kulfi. We know, why would someone report the theft of a kulfi? But, it was the 19th century so, you never know! Dated October 18, 1861, the FIR was filed in North Delhi’s Subzi Mandi Police Station by one resident of Katra Sheesh Mahal named Maeeuddin Wald Mohammad. Reportedly, back when the FIR was filed, Delhi had just five police stations, with the other four located in regions of Mehrauli, Mundka, Sadar Bazar, and Kotwali.
What’s even more interesting is that the stolen articles amounted to a cost of 45 aanas (some 2.81 rupees).
Here is the picture of the FIR that was shared by Delhi Police on Twitter with the hashtag ‘#KhaasHaiItiHaas’ (history is special):
#ThrowbackThursday with some of the rare moments in the history of @DelhiPolice. #tbt #KhaasHaiItihaas pic.twitter.com/V78SbRIbTq
— Delhi Police (@DelhiPolice) August 24, 2017
The Police Station in Subzi Mandi also hangs a picture of the FIR on its walls. Meanwhile, the original document rests at Delhi Police Museum. It was framed and has been put on display.
Needless to say, everyone loved this throwback photo from the Delhi Police.
This is nice!
— Priyanka (@autumnrainwish) August 24, 2017
Masha allah
— Mohd Rustam Siddiqui (@652c548e930a471) August 24, 2017
— Asad Zafar Khan (@iamasadzaf) August 24, 2017
One curious soul even inquired if the FIR led to an arrest or the recovery of the stolen articles:
Kindly let us know if the stolen property were recovered & your first charge sheet filed in the court led to conviction of the accused?
— Badal (@Victor27941368) August 24, 2017
Well, we can’t have everything. Guess we’ll never know how that case went…
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