After three failed auctions, banks were finally able to sell the Kingfisher Villa in Goa belonging to businessman Vijay Mallya to actor-producer Sachiin Joshi for Rs 73 crore through a private treaty. The harried lenders to Kingfisher Airlines have ended the ‘jinx’ to recover the dues of over Rs 9,000 crore by monetising the assets of the airline under their custody by selling the villa.
Interestingly, Joshi who had walked into the Candolim Kingfisher Villa in 2005 had promised himself that one day he would live in a “house this beautiful”. Well, he now owns that very house. Joshi had gone to the villa for a party, which was organised by Vijay Mallya, whose Kingfisher brand ran the slogan the “King of Good Times”. Joshi reportedly said that he was “overwhelmed by the scale of the place”.
Joshi is known more for his Bollywood works, however, a very few may know that like Mallya, he too is a ‘man of spirits’. He is the owner of Goa King’s Beer. According to reports, Joshi admitted having some similarity in business interests with Mallya. His company, the Viikings ventures sell an energy drink called XXX and a vodka mix.
The company owns Planet Hollywood in Goa and a hotel in
Joshi, who had acted in films like Jackpot, Aazaan, and Mumbai Mirror said that he would not “lose the essence of Mallya’s tasteful styling. But it’s mine now, so it will have my signature too.”
Joshi will be traveling to Goa to see his new acquisition soon. But he is not done. “To own an aircraft. It should have my house and everything I need. I just want to fly,” he said.
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