Dilip Kumar’s grand niece Sayyeshaa is the recent actress to mesmerise her fans with her perfect dancing skills. Just like actress and a flawless dancer Disha Patani, who keeps sharing her short dancing clips on social media to keep her fans bewitched, Sayyeshaa has now joined the clad by grooving to Ed Sheeran’s chart-buster “Shape of You” and we bet, you cannot keep your eyes off her for a second.
For those of you who don’t know, Sayyeshaa is a famous actress in South Indian cinema having made her debut with the 2015 Telegu fantasy film Akhil. The actress, who last seen in Ajay Devgn starrer Shivaay (2016) failed to grab eyeballs in the film and mostly missed the limelight, took to Twitter to share her carefree dancing spree. And boy, this time there is no looking elsewhere. The actress managed to do justice to Ed Sheeran’s famous song which has turned into a global anthem for the music and dance lovers.
Along with the video, the actress also shared a link to a song promo of her new Tamil venture Vanagaman. Choreographed by legendary choreographer Prabhu Deva, the song ‘Damn Damn’ features Sayyeshaa grooving to the peppy music in an exotic setting.
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Speaking of her dance moves, Sayyeshaa moves like totally enthralling and will leave you wanting for more. Don’t believe us? Check her out slaying Ed Sheeran’s ‘Shape of You’:
When you hear a song you love and have to get up and dance#shapeofyou
If you like this..watch my song #DamnDamn toohttps://t.co/RMBDZOYFKj pic.twitter.com/fHwAmwaSR0— Sayyeshaa (@sayyeshaa) June 11, 2017
Her fans cannot keep their excitement:
Crazy moves babe. DAMN!
— Vrinda Prasad (@vrindaprasad) June 11, 2017
Flexible wow.. amazing moves can’t wait .. eagerly to see your performance with @actor_jayamravi in the movie #Vanamagan all de best.
— S T A (@shaik1201) June 11, 2017
You are just amazing dancer #MerselAitan
— தோணி தனுஷ் விக்கி (@Dhanush_Viki) June 13, 2017
LaDY MJ respect sayyesha what a moves
— SRRIKESH REDDY (@SrrikeshReddy) June 12, 2017
Smooth, huh? Tell us what you think in the comment section below
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