On social media, fake is in. Be it fake news or ‘faked photos’ with the help of an army of filters, correct lighting and a whole lot of angle manipulation. Drawing the attention to those thousands of health and fitness enthusiasts on social media sites such as Instagram, a fitness blogger started posting her photos that show just how much ‘editing’ goes into the making of these accounts.
Amie Jane, who runs her own Instagram account as @amiejanefit, has been trying to reveal the truth behind those perfect selfies and fitness posts to emphasize the need to look within and appreciate one’s own bodies. People need to stop looking for inspiration on social media, because frankly, it is the most superficial place.
Amie Jane whose Instagram description aptly says ‘Your competition is yourself’ keeps posting photographs of herself in that ‘before-and-after’ style and shows people how easy it is to fake a photograph or to Photoshop it, which hardly takes her a few minutes.
The fitness industry, just like the cosmetic industry cashes on the insecurities of people and this is exactly what Amie Jane is trying to remind people.
Take a look at her photographs and you would understand (don’t miss the captions) :
As she rightly puts it, “Don’t ever look at someone’s picture as motivation use yourself! BE YOUR OWN MOTIVATION.”
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