Game of Thrones season 7 aired its first episode “Dragonstone” last night and from the very first scene, the show had fans at the edge of their seats. The series opens with a badass scene involving our Faceless Men assassin Arya Stark. Even after having killed Walder Frey and his sons in the last season, Arya’s not done with her vengeance. In what can only be described as a massacre, Arya takes revenge on all of the Freys for the Red Wedding, where most of her family was murdered brutally.
Arya Stark’s iconic scene in the opening left fans with their jaws dropped to the floors as they could hardly believe how far she has come along, in her adroitness with killing and, in personality. The child that was once tormented is now a grown woman who is very much aligned with herself.
ALSO READ: How Ed Sheeran gave the biggest spoiler to Game of Thrones fans

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark in Game of Thrones season 7.
In another scene, featuring actress Maisie Williams’ favourite singer Ed Sheeran, Arya stumbles upon a group of Lannister soldiers in the Riverlands. When asked why she’s headed to King’s Landing, Arya replies, “I’m going to kill the Queen.” While everyone else around the campfire thinks she’s joking and breaks into a jovial fit, we know, that she means business. And that’s exactly what other fans saw and loved about this new and more confident Arya Stark.
ALSO READ: Game of Thrones S07E01 review: Arya Stark ups her revenge game; Sansa-Jon’s power struggle continues
Here are some tweets from Game of Thrones fans which prove that this episode was all Arya Stark:
Arya Stark this season #gameofthrones
— Black Girl Brunch (@blkgirlbrunch) July 17, 2017
Arya Stark. *mic drop* #WinterisHere
— Moxie (@RocknRollr9) July 17, 2017
me in every arya stark scene ever
— #blacklivesmatter (@excuseyouno) July 17, 2017
“Didn’t they tell you that I was a savage?” – Arya Stark
— pj (@pjhoody) July 17, 2017
Arya Stark leaving Walder Frey’s castle like #GameOfThones
— Malcolm(@mal_diggy) July 17, 2017
“Tell them ‘The North remembers’, tell them ‘Winter came for the House of Frey.'” – Arya Stark
— Anita (@AnitaM86) July 17, 2017
Arya Stark is my spirit animal. #GameofThrones7 #GetItGirl
— AshRo (@duckhunterosa) July 17, 2017
Arya Stark is synonym for SAVAGE AF
— Korbi• (@alil_potential) July 17, 2017
— Kevin Ball (@FredE_Cornbread) July 17, 2017
It was soooooooo worth the wait! #aryastark opening scene was pure gold. “Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe.” #GoTS7
— Roxana (@DushiRox) July 17, 2017
Arya Stark “I’m going to kill the Queen” #GoTS7 #WinterIsHere
— Zachary Burgess (@RealZachBurgess) July 17, 2017
Robb,Cat and Ned looking down at Arya like #gameofthrones #gameofthones #aryastark #arya
— val (@valereisabel) July 17, 2017
Arya Stark: “When they asked you what happened here, tell them the North remembers”
Literally everyone:#GameOfThrones #GoTS7
— (@peterpans_sis) July 17, 2017
I want to be Arya Stark’s best friend. #GoTS7
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) July 17, 2017
Your reaction when Arya Stark gets her revenge #GameOfThrones #WinterIsHere
— Andrés Díaz (@newandrewayne) July 17, 2017
Game of Thrones
The North Remembers
Arya Stark
Euron. #GameOfThrones— Joe Negan (@mynameisNegan) July 17, 2017
Arya Stark really avenged the red wedding #GoTs7 #GameOfThrones
— Jon Winterfell (@JonWinterfall) July 17, 2017
When Arya Stark commit a mass murder: #GoTS7#GameofThrones
— Lynette Jenkins (@lynette12356) July 17, 2017
The moment Arya Stark killed the Girl in her and turned into woman
Brilliant stuff from @Maisie_Williams #GameOfThones #GoTS7— Sivaram Stark (@sivaram_stark) July 17, 2017
All of us to Arya Stark right now. #GameOfThrones #ThronesYall
— Nerdy Wonka (@NerdyWonka) July 17, 2017
I would take a bullet for Arya Stark. What a queen. WHAT. A. QUEEN. #GameOfThrones
— Albertina (@ClumsyTini) July 17, 2017
Put some damn respek on Arya Stark’s name. #gameofthones
— Marc Belanger (@_marcbelanger) July 17, 2017
Arya Stark is like the homicidal Ethan Hunt of Westeros and no mission is too impossible for her @GameOfThrones #GoTs7
— James Hibberd (@JamesHibberd) July 17, 2017
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