The internet is a gold mine of humor and so far Yahoo! answers houses some of the weirdest and funniest content we’ve ever seen.
All over the world, there are people sitting behind their computers (probably in their parent’s basement?) asking all sorts of weird questions that leave us questioning human intelligence.
We’ve seen questions like ‘Why do crocodiles walk gayly?’ and ‘Are China and Japan different cities?’
We’ve witnessed all this stupidity but we’ve never seen an Indian version. So we figured we’ll dive into the depths of Yahoo! answers India and find out what’s cooking.
Let’s take a closer look at what people have to ask in India, shall we?
(Warning: we’re not responsible if the reader loses IQ points by the end of the listicle.)
If you’re a geography teacher, please look away.
No seriously. Geography teachers, look away.
Raj is all about YOLO. You go, girl!
We’re left wondering what this dude from Agra is on?
ONLY if there was a search engine that lets gives you find answers to your questions. If only.
V for vendetta.
Tommy has a girlfriend and you don’t. Just saying.
Very VERY important questions.
Not gonna lie, the top answer did crack us up.
*Floats away into outer space*
We had our doubts too but thanks to Yahoo! Answers, we’re clear on the issue. Thanks Yahoo!
And obviously, there had to be one question encapsulating the Bollywood magic.
We’d conclude the article but at this point we’re just too brain dead to think of anything. How about a GIF of dancing cat instead?
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