As ideal as our elders might deem arranged marriages, the very process of ‘arranging them’ can get mighty awkward for everyone involved. You cherry pick a guy and girl on who knows what weirdly specific basis, and then you ask these strangers to ‘talk things out’ during a family meeting. I mean, what are the chances of things being ‘easy and comfortable’ here. With little time to get to know one another, the to-be couple gets bombarded with personal questions by each family to see if they are in fact a good fit. It’s very much like a first date except you take away the romance and dial up the awkwardness. Oh! And your whole family is there too.
Quorans held a discussion on the weird questions thrown around in a first meeting for an arranged marriage. So, if you have already been signed up for such a first meeting, you better brace yourselves for some awkwardly inquisitive questions. Also, in case if you have had an arranged marriage, see if any of this sounds familiar:
1. “Do you know how to cook?”
ALSO READ: 7 real and hilarious reasons why Indians rejected arranged marriage proposals
2. “What are your hobbies?”
3. “I won’t change my name after marriage. Is that okay with you?”
4. “Do you and your parents have any ‘demands’?”
5. “If I will visit my parents once in a month for night-stay do you allow me?”
ALSO READ: This video is a must watch for all relatives who cannot think beyond arranged marriages
6. “Do you/your family mind if our daughter will continue working?”
7. “Do you mind wearing saree after marriage at home?”
8. “How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?”
9. “Do you mind staying with my parents after marriage?”
10. “How many children do you want to have?”
11. “Are you a virgin?”
ALSO READ: 11 super-creative wedding invitation cards that are so over the top, you’ll love them
Is this even 2017?
(source: Quora)
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