Doctors don’t really have an easy life. Every minute that they spend talking to a patient or his / her family – they have the unenviable job of being solely responsible of their well being. It’s a tough life, TBH. Especially in a country like India where their position is freely equated with God by the millions who expect them to make miracles happen.Doctors are our go to for every physical and mental ailment – they are made aware of every minute detail that we wouldn’t have shared with anyone else otherwise and so they do sort of become our secret-keepers.
But what happens when a doctor gives you unprofessional advice? You may think of taking a second opinion but that isn’t an option available to everyone, is it? Plus, what happens when your trust has been shaken?
This one Quora thread titled What’s the most unprofessional thing a doctor has said to you? lists the various incidents in which people were actually let down by their doctors who gave them unprofessional advice. Here are some of them:
When younger, I had really bad pain in my breasts for several years. I went from doctor to specialist to yet another specialist – altogether 4 doctors. All of them told me that there’s no reason for the pain, two of them wanted to send me to a psychiatrist because “it’s all in my head”, and one wanted me to go to pain management classes, so I’ll learn to live with pain, I guess.
Fighting to get AIDS test from an SF gynecologist who told me “You don’t need it, you’re not that kind of girl.
When my wife was pregnant with twins we ran the regular sonograms. After one such regular check-up, the doctor told us, “Yeah, since we think the twins are in a single sac, they probably aren’t going to make it, well at least one of them. Ok… well, I’ll see you later.” She then left the room.
Well the most unprofessional thing a doctor did to me was misdiagnosing me as (sic) schizophrenia (when I had simple depression), giving me high-potency anti-psychotics (when I needed none) and then not even following the confidentiality rule and telling it to everyone he knew.
I went in for my yearly physical for my life insurance and they took my blood pressure (which is usually perfect) The nurse takes it and says,“well that can’t be right.”
She then blurts out, “Your blood pressure is really, really bad… like you could have a heart attack any day. You really should go get that looked at. You could die!” Wow, it really did freak me out!
When I could barely swallow without writhing in visible pain, so we went back to the family ENT doc. Our regular guy was on vacation, so we saw his, I don’t know, maybe his intern, but regardless it was his substitute for the week. After looking into my throat quickly, he told me (and I remember this to the day) “Boy, you need to grab yourself by your bootstraps and toughen up!”, and sent me away like I was a wuss with a sore throat.
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Perhaps these doctors didn’t realize that they have the potential to scare entire families and cause a lot of tension within them just for incorrectly diagnosing symptoms but who cares, as long as the patient’s being billed for it right?
Source: Quora
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