Nearly every job seeker out there gets agitated by the thought of giving interviews. They are afraid they might say something unfitting that would lead to their rejection while answering the interviewer’s vague questions. “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, “Tell us a little bit about yourself” and yes, the infamous “Why should we hire you?”. We’re sure these string of words must have been thrown at you during some interviews. But as unclear as they sound, it is here that you have the perfect opportunity to crack through an interview.
Quora hosted a discussion based on the topic ‘What are the best answers for ‘Why should I hire you”?’ which invited several professionals to spell out what the interviewer truly seeks by asking you such questions. Basically, what the interviewer wants is for you to have a clear understanding of the job profile and also have the competence to deliver tasks as assigned.
So, before you show up at an interview, you have a lot of homework to do. “Before any interview, you should go through the company’s website to know the technologies, applications, sectors, types of services/products the company is engaged in,” writes one Quora user. “You should also study the job description very carefully. During your interview, you would know more about the type of skills that they are looking for.”
The question can be broken down into several others based on what the company expects from you. Not only will they judge you on the basis of your expertise, they want to check your consistency, your communication skills, whether will be able to fit well into the team, and if you have further scope for improvement. Also, it goes without saying that you need to be confident and should be dressed suitably.
As per another Quoran, what you need to do is to draw a connection between yourself and the company where you wish to get hired. Presenting yourself in alignment with the company values puts you at an advantage against fellow candidates.
Any hesitation, lack of confidence or inability to gel with co-workers can lead to your rejection. So, basically, you cannot just show up at an interview and just “wing it”. You’ll probably end up blurting out something undesirable. You need to prepare for the interview well before time and every answer you give needs to be coherent. There you have it, folks. The secret to a good interview is- work out a freaking script!
(source: Quora)
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