Yes means yes, and no means yes, too – that’s sadly the narrative most men grow up with thanks to pop culture, films and even societal norms. Surely, the meaning of ‘consent’ must be very tough to comprehend, which is why it still remains an alien concept to the phallocentric world. Many candle marches, silents walks or even campaigns and movements like pinjra tod saw a surge of female participation and the fight for a safer environment grew a little stronger but thanks to politicians like Mulayam Singh or Abu Azmi, women are still a ‘liability’ and rape is prevalent more than ever.
This young girl by the Twitter handle @_clvrarose took to Twitter to decode the tough word ‘consent’ and shed some light on the most ignored aspect of rape which is usually used against the victim’s case which is having an orgasm during rape. These series of 11 tweets explain the other side of rape better than any long thesis and deconstruct a very important part of it. Take a look:
she said it all. It’s great people are taking initiative to talk about rape and spread awareness. Kudos to this woman and to everyone who is speaking loud and clear on such topics.
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