The Kardashians might be bloody famous but they certainly aren’t one of a kind. At least, not anymore. Sisters Sonia and Fyza Ali are gaining popularity over the internet owing to their striking similarities with the Kardashian-Jenner family. Seriously, they look so much like Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner, E! should get them their own version of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
Both Sofia and Fyza are actually makeup artists and lifestyle bloggers based in Dubai and Kuwait. So basically, they post just as many selfies as the Kardashian sisters and we bet good money that you cannot tell which one’s whose.
Sonia Ali (pictured left) and Kim Kardashian (right). (Photo Courtesy: Instagram- @soniaxfyza, @kimkardashian)
But looks did not come naturally to them. While Sonia claims she had never noticed her resemblance to Kim, Fyza had to work on hers. Allegedly, they have spent a lot of effort undergoing surgeries to look like Kim and Kylie. You know, much like Kim and Kylie did themselves.
Fyza Ali’s transformation into her celebrity look alike Kylie Jenner (Photo Courtesy: Twitter)
From the iconic full Kardashian lips to their prominent cheekbones, the doppelganger sisters have stolen the Kardashians’ entire look!
(Photo Courtesy: Instagram/ @soniaxfyza)
Here are some photos of the two sisters just smiling, posing, looking like Kim and Kylie like it’s no big deal…
BTS of our @beautycon shoot! Can’t wait for you guys to see. #soniaxfyza
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Casual stroll through rodeo #soniaxfyza #losangeles @fashionnova code: xosf Namshi code: LATRIP
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A post shared by Sonia And Fyza Ali (@soniaxfyza) on
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QUEENING at the @tartecosmetics pool party #soniaxfyza #LA
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What’s your fave highlight product? #soniaxfyza
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I’m starting to love the messy brow trend! Share you brow growth tips below! ~ S #soniaxfyza #dubai
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Don’t they look just the same?
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