Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the much-awaited Kochi Metro Rail on June 17, and it has been the reason of delight mainly for two reasons. One, finally the residents of Kochi are relieved as they can commute during the rush hours with ease and comfort. Second, it broke all conventions and hired 23 transgenders for gardening, ticketing, customer care and more.
This praiseworthy move was taken by the government of Kerala to work towards a pan-inclusive society and shun negative image that surrounds the LGBTQ society. This step is taken as a positive movement towards changing mindset of Indian people and inculcating all citizens in the employment drive. Prior to this, the neglected LGBTQ society was seen doing odd jobs like dancing on weddings, baby showers, and begging. This move was widely celebrated by Indian millennials who are awaiting this changing phase in other states as well.
Prior to the inauguration, the Kerala Information posted this video on their Facebook page to send across a message to the passengers not to show pity to the workers or look them twice. Here’s what they have to say:
The video has garnered 1.2 M views and is going viral for all the right reasons. Indian citizens are proud of this wonderful initiative and bestowed their love for the ministry. Here’s what they said:
“Good luck. Prove yourself, be a good example and show the way for others within your “community” to join the mainstream.People of Kerala are broad minded and will accept you with open hands. But remember, only you can help yourself – be service oriented, be customer oriented and not another government employee.You have our backing and prayer for success. Earn roses and not abuses”
“Congratulations to Kochi Metro on this wonderful initiative. I hope you will pave the way to be followed by other organisations.”
“Excellent Kerala.. Very bold move. They are citizens of our country and Government need to support them to lead a life with dignity. I want Governments of all state’s to learn from this move and implement something similar in their state for this community.”
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“Why can’t more men emulate Virat Kohli?” asks Richa Chadha in viral Facebook post
Kochi Metro begins training 23 transwomen; reserves 60 posts for transgender community [See photos]
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