Jammu and Kashmir Tourism department recently shared a video featuring a bunch of Malaysian artists dancing to a song from Karan Johar’s directorial debut, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. The hit Bollywood film, which starred the biggest cinematic pair of the 90s, Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol (along with a guest appearance from Rani Mukherjee and Salman Khan) was a hit with the classes and the masses and till date enjoys a massive fan following. But don’t be fooled into thinking the film and its songs appeal just to the Indian audience, those abroad love it too.
Coming back to the video, the descriptor put up by J & K Tourism on their Facebook page, reads ‘This performance by Malaysian artists in #Kashmir on the superhit Bollywood number “Ladki Badi Anjaani Hai” is the best thing you are going to see today! Don’t miss it!’
The entire backdrop looks almost similar to the one in the film – with a lake, only that there is no Shah Rukh Khan or Kajol in the video. In the movie, Rahul (Shah Rukh Khan) and Anjali (Kajol) finally meet, after a gap of several years, at young Anjali’s (Rahul’s daughter) school summer camp. The song Ladki Badi Anjani Hai takes place at the summer camp.
All the songs of the movie were superhit but the choreography of particularly this song (and also, ‘Saajan Ji Ghar Aye’ featuring Salman Khan, Kajol and Late Reema Lagoo) was quite popular and perhaps that’s why they have kept it unchanged in the video as well.
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