In a surprising incident, a seven-foot-long crocodile was found at the doorstep in a residential area in a village near Tanjore, Tamil Nadu. Although, sighting a crocodile is not uncommon for residents living along the banks of the river in, but it is rare to spot a crocodile at your doorstep.
According to a Times of India report, Vincent and his family were shocked to see a fully grown crocodile right at their doorstep, early on April 12 morning. Vincent immediately alerted the fire and rescue services personnel, following which they rushed to the spot and rescued it with the help of locals.
The report suggests that a tank near Vadugakudi village has a few crocodiles and it could have come from there. The tank, fed by the Kollidam river, always had some water but this year it had gone bone dry, prompting these reptiles to enter villages in search of water.
It could have come during the night when there is no movement around the tank and in the village. The villagers have been asked to remain cautious while going out in the early morning hours. Forest department personnel released the crocodile at Mukkombu near Trichy where the Cauvery and Kollidam Rivers meet.
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