Singer Neha Bhasin, who was recently seen on a panel with Anupama Chopra discussing sexism in Bollywood music industry among other things, has released her latest single, Chan Mahi and it sounds beautiful. The song is a different take on Punjabi folk song, Jind Mahi. But as Neha Bhasin mentions in her the descriptor of her YouTube video, it is not how her family used to sing it. With Punjabi becoming a much-loved genre of music and more enjoyable, her new video song fits all the criteria of a hit. Neha Bhasin has collaborated with Naina Batra for the song. Naina is the bride whose sangeet video on Neha Bhasin’s Nai Jaana went viral a few months back.
Coming back to Neha’s latest , its melodious and soft music would have you tapping your feet from the very start and will keep you hooked till the end. Neha has a talent of recreating Punjabi folk songs in a way that they still retain their original beauty and essence. The most striking thing about the video are Neha and Naina’s colourfully stylish costumes and their dance moves.
As many would know, apart from releasing refreshing singles, Neha is quite popular Bollywood singer and has sung some chartbuster songs like Jag Ghoomeya (Sultan) and Dhunki Dhunki (Mere Brother Ki Dulhan). In the recent roundtable chat with Anupama Chopra, Neha Bhasin raised a really pertinent point about how Bollywood actresses need to demand entire solo songs, so that female singers get their due credit. Neha Bhasin has a huge fan-following outside, only that Bollywood’s sexism fails to notice it.
Neha’s video on Youtube has already garnered over 2 lakh views and a lot of appreciation from Youtubers, with comments like “Everything about this video is love..and you gorgeous lady. Love your work.. hope you make more of such amazing music. Love you”.
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