The whole nation came together to celebrate the birthday of ‘God of Cricket’ Sachin Tendulkar on April 24 and love poured in from every direction. People wrote fan letters, recalled their favourite memory of Sachin and even went on to cut a cake to celebrate his birthday. Fans gathered at Wankhede Stadium expressed their joy and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ for their idol cricketer. Wishes poured in on Twitter from fans as well as the fellow league mates.
Many cricketers including Anil Kumble and Sehwag took to Twitter to wish Sachin and show their love:
#HappyBirthdaySachin. One of the most inspiring sportsmen the world has seen. Hope you have a splendid year ahead @sachin_rt.
— Anil Kumble (@anilkumble1074) April 24, 2017
A rare occasion when one could have committed a crime,God ji sleeping.To a man who could stop time in India, #HappyBirthdaySachin @sachin_rt
— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) April 24, 2017
But there’s more. With the Twitter’s rising popularity, a mess-up just cannot go unnoticed. With the ongoing goof-ups like that of Sonu-Sonu and Snapdeal-Snapchat has left the world in splits. Recently when Indian spinner Zaheer Khan announced his engagement with actress Sagarika Ghatge, and former cricketer Anil Kumble tagged the wrong Sagarika, we were sure that nothing can beat that kind of massive goof-up!
Alas that was not to be. Anil Kumble’s birthday wishes for the cricketing legend was reproduced word to word on Sachin Tendulkar’s account. Meaning, Sachin Tendulkar wished ‘himself’ using the same words that Kumble did.
Just when everything started settling down, Twitter user ‘LOLendra Singh’ shared a post where the god of cricket Sachin Tendulkar wishes ‘himself Happy Birthday’ , which in turn was actually former bowler Anil Kumble’s birthday wish for him. Our guess is Sachin’s social media team was trying to retweet Kumble’s tweet but ended up tweeting it themselves.
According to the reports, both the cricketing legends have the same PR team which probably lead to the error. The tweet was immediately deleted but what has been done on social media, cannot be undone. Because, screenshots.
When a PR agency handles many cricketers’ accounts simultaneously.
— LOLendra Singh (@LOLendraSingh) April 24, 2017
— Shashank (@Tumharebaap) April 24, 2017
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