Dickens could never have known that the opening line from his cult classic, The Tale of Two Cities, could one day summarize the world’s largest democracy. What was satire for his times, is basically reality for ours. It is truly the best of times, as it is the worst of times. We are finally talking about everything we’d swept under the rug for long – and on the flip side, everything that once threatened to topple over democracy in a secular nation has made a comeback with a vengeance.
At the forefront of this set up in the world of TV journalism is Arnab Goswami, the man whose debates is turning India deaf. At least it was till he quit. After quitting Times Now, the Angry Middle Aged Man of Indian television announced the launch of a ‘nationalistic’ news channel, Republic. And then promptly took a long hiatus. Sadly however, the break did not last for long and the Man Who Yells is back, looking down upon the mango people from massive hoarding set up across metropolitan cities, announcing his return.
Back, and how.
First, there were hoardings which said ‘Arnab With You Soon’, which soon got trolled by India Today’s equally weird hoarding by its side which said ‘Anjana Reached And Waiting’.
Credit: Twitter
Which brings to mind a very important question: Are these hoarding not being proofed? No budget or no sense of grammar? What is the issue here?
The second hoarding appeared last weekend, bearing an even more unfortunate epithet: ‘Pakistan’s Migraine’ with a profile of Arnab Goswami.
Why bro? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Obviously, Twitter had massive fun with it because a) it’s Arnab Goswami, b) it’s Twitter.
Arnab Goswami: Pakistan’s migraine; India’s haemorrhoid.
— Himanshu Sharma (@ThisIsHimanshuS) May 1, 2017
Pakistan’s migraine, India’s nausea. pic.twitter.com/OkcfWMrtho
— Scotchy (@scotchism) April 29, 2017
Hey @republic, I fixed it. You’re welcome. pic.twitter.com/BkTOuDfQJH
— Sarfaraz (@BabaGlocal) April 29, 2017
@BabaGlocal @republic ‘Pain in the ass’ is too mild a term for that fellow.
India’s boil on the bottom.
— A Reasonable Man (@Handleous) April 29, 2017
@BabaGlocal @republic A war-monger & a rabble-rouser.
The spurious case of Arnab Goswami.
Pakistan’s Migraine. (You wish)
But certainly India’s Diarrhea. pic.twitter.com/vGIQ3g551k— A Reasonable Man (@Handleous) April 30, 2017
@scotchism pic.twitter.com/GWGY2bN9DA
— A Reasonable Man (@Handleous) April 30, 2017
@scotchism How is he Pakistan’s migraine when noone even knows of his existence here?
— Saman Abbasi (@samanabbasi1) April 30, 2017
Ooh I come to know today Goswami is a main germ behind migraine & now I can believe it’s uncurable https://t.co/RdC8NJDdSb
— Avais (@AGurmaani) May 2, 2017
Much obsession. So lame. Its almost as if they have nothing better to do or think about pic.twitter.com/rf9e1ssQhu
— Zarrar Khuhro (@ZarrarKhuhro) May 2, 2017
@mahwashajaz_ That’s a typo; this is the original: pic.twitter.com/RMtsLg8Reg
— LesPaul (@deadpoettweet) May 2, 2017
Goswami’s viewers certainly get excruciating, intractable migraine with nausea https://t.co/3o2Y1UvCYL
— Mohammad Taqi (@mazdaki) May 2, 2017
If Arnab Goswami things he can be Pakistan’s migraine sitting in a TV studio, this is the heights of idiocy a media outlet can reach https://t.co/mypimQsZM1
— Vinay Biradar (@vinaybiradar23) April 30, 2017
Arnab Goswami, India’s Migraine, is coming back https://t.co/EoL1UgvaZe
— Roohan Ahmed (@Roohan2Ahmed) May 2, 2017
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