Pakistani TV actress Ushna Shah has strongly hit out at the double-standards of the television industry during Ramzan in one of her Facebook posts. Calling out to the hypocrisy prevalent in Pakistani showbiz industry, Ushna posted on her Facebook post talking about directors and colleagues, “If you’re a di*k [sic] before Ramadan and if you’re a di*k [sic] after Ramadan, please don’t send me those ‘Ramzan Mubarak’ graphics captioned with speeches about how auspicious the month is and how holy you feel and how you seek forgiveness from Allah and send me the holiest of greetings.”
During the holy month of Ramzan, the believers of Islam fast for a period of 30 days and stay away from everything forbidden in the holy book Quran. The month ends with the festival of Eid.
Using a strong language to express herself, Ushna points out how the same directors who hit on her and have not cast her in roles because she refused to give in to their “unreasonable” demands and the same people who have always tried to tarnish her image end up sending her “warm Ramzan Mubarak greetings”. Making an extremely pertinent point about such people, she says, “The same people that will be bystanders as our minorities are tormented on a daily basis. The same people that could give zero effs about the plight of the voiceless in this country; be it the poor, be it animals, be it minorities, be it anyone.”
(Also read: Watch: This Surf Excel ad from Pakistan teaches you the true meaning of Ramadan)
Ushna goes on to say that she might not be a religious person and may not keep fasts, but she is happy to be so because she hates pretending to be someone she’s not for a mere 30 days and this is what she writes in her post, “Many people will pretend to be someone they are not for a mere 30 days to cash in on this holy month, I may not keep all my fasts or say all my prayers, but I sure as hell won’t disrespect Islam and the millions of people fasting and truly abiding by the faith by pretending to do so just to gain the respect and the money I do not deserve.”
Here is Ushna’s post:
Ushna has been applauded not only by her colleagues in the television industry but also by many people on Twitter as well:
Ushna Shah wrote an open letter that criticises actors for faking religiosity and cashing in on Ramazan transmissions.
— *Dr Barkat SOOMRO* (@DrBarkatSoomro) May 29, 2017
Gotta’ love @ushnashah! Best. Ramzan. Wish. Ever!!
— Ehtesham Hussain. (@Ehtesham300) May 27, 2017
@HELLO_Pak @ushnashah Loved all of it. Really glad someone spoke up about it and brilliantly.
— Hibba Amin (@hibbaamin) May 29, 2017
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