At this point, if someone comes up to you and says ‘Trump believes in Unicorns and has a secret room where he worships them’, you’d actually believe it. That’s how eccentric Trump is. So naturally, when a Twitter account tweeted out a fake excerpt apparently from Michael Wolff’s controversial book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, Twitter chose to believe it!
The tweet claimed that President Trump loves gorillas and (in his own head) was under the impression that there is an entire channel dedicated to gorillas. The White House staff apparently had to make a TV channel dedicated to the animals fighting each other. The tweet got thousands of likes and RTs with some people actually believing it!
Wow, this extract from Wolff’s book is a shocking insight into Trump’s mind:
— the gorilla channel thing is a joke (@pixelatedboat) January 5, 2018
The Twitter account had to later announce, albeit with a hint of sarcasm, that the tweet is in fact just a joke:
tfw you parody a guy making up shit about Trump but people believe it so you become part of the problem
— the gorilla channel thing is a joke (@pixelatedboat) January 5, 2018
Because the explanation wasn’t enough, the account admin had to literally change the page name to ‘the gorilla channel thing is a joke’. Even though the entire thing was a joke, Twitter had a field day ridiculing their favorite meme, Donald Trump. Here’s what they said:
Just think: in some alternate universe this is probably literally true.
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) January 5, 2018
I read pretty far in before I realized…
— Tara Mehrbach (@TaraMehrbach) January 5, 2018
Wait, it’s a joke?!?! j/k j/k…it took me til the kneeling in front of the TV part for me to realize it though. No way he could kneel comfortably for more than like 4 seconds.
— Doyle (@jamestdoyle) January 5, 2018
Same for me ! Once I read 17 hours I knew that it was a stretch, LOL. Anyway, how desperately sad that this insane behavior is somewhat believable ?
— Deb Turi Smith (@SmithTuri) January 5, 2018
Legit didn’t realize this was a joke until “17 hours straight”
— Jessica Langer, PhD (@DrJessicaLanger) January 5, 2018
It’s just gonna be better if I act like I never saw this. There are too many questions I need answered to that I’ll never get.
— David Crockett (@dcrockett17) January 5, 2018
Well-done! This made me laugh until I coughed.
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) January 5, 2018
The fucking insane thing about this is that you really didn’t fly too close to the sun until that final paragraph. The first two actually come across as totally believable.
— Scott Wampler™ (@ScottWamplerBMD) January 5, 2018
please stop calling our customer service hotline to ask if we have The Gorilla Channel
— Netflix US (@netflix) January 6, 2018
Just the fact that people actually believed this shows how gullible we are… but then again it’s Trump, so… never mind!
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