Ever clicked a selfie and thought to yourself, “Man, I thought I would be prettier than this.” Then, after the 5th or 6th or 72nd retry, you realise it’s not the lighting or the angle. It’s just you. You just cannot take a good picture. But then you look at people who look fabulous in any of their pictures. Be it at a party or having woken up the morning after, they are always effortlessly photogenic AF and it just seems like the biggest mystery to you. Well, you might as well add this gecko to the I-Envy-You-Lot list.
Recently, a picture of the reptilian creature had gone viral and it looks like the cover of some animal fashion magazine. The picture surfaced on Reddit a few days ago and has since taken the internet by storm. Here is the viral image of the photogenic gecko:
(source: Reddit)
And here is what happened when people let their creativity run wild:
1. When that hotline bling…
(source: Reddit)
2. Gecko and Stitch
(source: Twitter)
3. “The boy who lived, come to die.” First of all, Expelliarmus
(source: Reddit)
4. When you’re too fab to not be on the pole
(source: Twitter)
5. “I, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Geckos…”
(source: BoredPanda)
6. Dancing your pain away while the universe falls to pieces
(source: BoredPanda)
7. Here’s to the geckos who dream
(source: BoredPanda)
8. Hands in the air like you don’t care
(source: Reddit)
9. Gecko Parkour
(source: BoredPanda)
10. Gecko-Lord catching ’em infinity stones with those sticky feet
(source: BoredPanda)
11. Avada Gec-Kedavra
(source: BoredPanda)
12. Agent Gecko
(source: BoredPanda)
13. Disco Gecko
(source: Reddit)
14. When you finally make it to that Goa trip
(source: Twitter)
15. Dormammu, I have come to bargain.
(source: BoredPanda)
16. Who else needs a horror movie made out of this?
(source: BoredPanda)
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