PM likens demonetisation to 'surgery on a healthy body'; Twitter trolls him to its heart's content

PM Modi tweeted that you can have an 'operation' when the body is healthy. Needless to say, Twitter started trolling him on these not-so-accurate words.

PM Narendra Modi recently tweeted out something we’re still struggling to comprehend. According to Narenda Modi, you have an operation when the body is healthy. When questioned about why did he meddle with the economy (which was doing pretty well) by banning certain currency notes, he used this example to justify demonetisation.

Let’s go back to the drawing board, shall we?
An operation/surgery, as defined by the dictionary, is the treatment of injuries or disorders of the body by incision or manipulation, especially with instruments. Which implies that operating a healthy body as fruitful as eating food on a full stomach or reading a Chetan Bhagat novel to improve your vocabulary. We hope you get the drift.

The senseless tweet angered some, while some just struggled to put two and two together to understand why would he make such a statement. Many went on to troll the person who handles the PM’s Twitter handle saying that he is going to lose his job.
Being the Prime Minister of India comes with a price – you can’t afford to make senseless statements in full public view. Modiji has learnt this the hard way and is now facing Twitter’s wrath.

Here’s what Modiji tweeted:

Twitter was left stunned. Here are the reactions:

Let’s get verbose:

Just like our fellow tweeps, we’re not sure why the PM decided to tweet something this bizarre. But hey, look on the brighter side, Your tweets can’t be labelled controversial if they make no sense at all.
