Newton has been making headlines ever since the Rajkumar Rao-starrer was listed as India’s official entry to the 90th annual Academy Awards. Directed by Amit V Masurkar, the black comedy already has everybody in the fraternity swooning. Newton managed to impress the 14-member Film Federation of India (FFI) committee who deemed it worthy of the Oscars and following its release on September 22, Newton has garnered a lot of praise from the critics. Moreover, even though the movie is facing allegations of plagiarism, fans seem amused with its content as the movie has raked in Rs 11.75 crores in its first week. Though the filmmakers, even in their wildest dreams, would not have expected the film to trend on social media for a different reason altogether. Apparently, Newton is now officially a meme.
In one scene, Rao (Newton Kumar) and Pankaj Tripathi (Aatma Singh) talk about the consistently low turnout of voters in the area affected by Naxal insurgency. The latter tells Newton, “Main likh ke deta hun, koi nahi aayega,” which is followed by Rao’s response, “Likh ke dijiye.” People on social media have picked up this conversation and inserted it into various comic scenarios.
Here are some of the hilarious memes we found on Twitter:
Friend : Let’s plan a Goa trip with our school buddies.
Me :
— Appurv Gupta-GuptaJi (@appurv_gupta) September 25, 2017
Friend: Bhai chal mass bunk karte hai sabne han bola hai
Me :— SJ (@RealSheetal) September 25, 2017
she: I’ll never fight with you
me:— (@firkiii) September 24, 2017
Shirish Kunder: Yaar ek achhi script churayi hai.. agar ispe maine movie banayi to kaisa response rahega?
— Keh Ke Peheno (@coolfunnytshirt) September 25, 2017
Boss: Saturdays working kar dete hai
— Ashwani (@Social_spartan) September 25, 2017
After yesterday’s #INDvsAUS match :
BCCI : We’d like to schedule more such home series in India.
ICC :— Rohit Dang (@dBigDangTheory) September 25, 2017
Meteorological dept: It is not going to rain for the next 24 hours
Mumbaikars:— Bollywood Gandu (@BollywoodGandu) September 24, 2017
*Goa plan*
Pic1: when friend says me aaunga pakka
Pic2: me— Maithun (@Being_Humor) September 25, 2017
Friend: Navratri mein Mera birthday hai. Party mein veg rahega. Sabhi doston ko batana hai.
Me:— Subrat Saurabh (@ChickenBiryanii) September 25, 2017
Newton is about a government employee named Newton Kumar, played by Rao, who gets transferred to Naxal-affected villages in the state of Chattisgarh for election duty.
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