Ranveer Singh’s much-awaited first look as Turkic ruler Alauddin Khilji recently came out and yes, it broke the internet (obviously). Ever since Deepika Padukone’s unibrow-sporting Rani Padmini was released, people have been raving about Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s upcoming period drama Padmavati. And now that actors Shahid Kapoor and Ranveer Singh’s characters have been teased, the anticipation continues to pile. However, once the posters of Ranveer’s Khilji surfaced on the internet, people started wondering if they have seen this look before. And then it hit them. Finally, fans have come to the conclusion that this depiction of Khilji looks a helluva lot like Scar from The Lion King. Remember him?
In case your memory is a little foggy, Scar is that evil uncle who orchestrated Mufasa’s killing. Anyway, Ranveer Singh’s Khilji who dons a heavy mane, bold kohl and a scar under his eye reminds of a lot of people on Twitter of the villain from The Lion King. Here is how Twitter reacted to the Ranveer’s new look:
@RanveerOfficial iknow its a little juvenile.. but Scar is legit the first thing that came to my mind when i first saw #Khilji pic.twitter.com/pxelnoTsy5
— Lou (@TheNameIsLoubna) October 2, 2017
Just me or does @RanveerOfficial look a bit like Scar from the Lion King and a bit like Jaffar from Aladdin as #Khilji? pic.twitter.com/yCW9hYlKkZ
— Jessica S. Sharma (@JessApostrophe) October 3, 2017
#Khilji do you feel ranvir Singhs look is copied from the character scar for the lion king ? pic.twitter.com/XDdYMcmoos
— Abhishek lad (@Abhiraptor) October 3, 2017
Ranveer’s Padmavati look reminds me of Scar from The Lion King#lionking #padmavati #khilji
— Murtuza Sariya (@sariya_murtuza) October 3, 2017
Who also thinks that Ranveer Singh as khilji looks like Scar from lion king ???
— maryamy (@maryamanwar1989) October 4, 2017
Ranveer Singh’s character from Padmavati looks like ‘Scar’ from Lion king. He is going to give an epic performance @RanveerOfficial
— Irfan Mughal (@TheIrfanMughal) October 3, 2017
Why does Ranveer look like Scar here?! Either way… IM HERE FOR IT. YESSSS BABY DADDY! https://t.co/CQ96yNGFPe
— Dina (@FatalBeautyxo__) October 3, 2017
Man Ranveer looking like Scar from The Lion King #Menacing
— Superman (@SahirKh03996450) October 2, 2017
Doesn’t Ranveer look just exactly like Scar? Well, this only makes us more excited for Padmavati. The film will is slated for a release on December 1, 2017.
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