Shah Rukh Khan almost beats TV show host in a fit of rage over a prank [Watch Video]

Shah Rukh Khan has been accused of having an arrogance problem by many but, this time he took it to a whole new level. SRK went berserk over a prank with Ramez Galal, host of the show Ramez Underground.

Shah Rukh Khan almost beats TV show host in a fit of rage over a prank [Watch Video]

Tales of Shah Rukh Khan’s fury are not unheard of. The King Khan has time and again proven that he’s a force to be reckoned with. Recently, while featuring on an Egyptian game show Ramez Underground, Shah Rukh Khan fell prey to one of the host Ramez Galal’s pranks and well, SRK does not like being the prey.

The video that is doing the rounds on the internet shows Shah Rukh Khan trapped in quicksand with TV presenter Nishan following an “accident”. Soon after, a vicious Komodo dragon can be seen approaching them. While trying to maintain his cool between sinking in quicksand and the screaming Nishan, SRK was quite shocked to see that the reptilian creature was actually the host Ramez Galal who was pranking the Bollywood star.

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Needless to say, Shah Rukh Khan absolutely lost it. Yelling at the host, SRK said, “This is nonsense you got me all the way from India to do this shit?” As Galal tried to calm him down, Khan seemed to get further displeased with the behaviour and engaged in a brawl.

Here is the video of SRK getting pranked.

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As Galal repeatedly apologised, SRK slammed him to the ground and said, “Should I make it funnier?” while threatening to punch him.

Okay, we have seen him get pissed at people but we have to admit, THAT was pretty intense. Looks like you can mess with whomsoever you want but, SRK? Pfft! You better not.

However, as per Hindustan Times, the bit with Shah Rukh Khan’s furious response was staged. Reportedly, SRK was paid $400,000 (approx Rs 2 crore) for the show and the actor’s manager Pooja Dadlani stated, “Yes, it was staged and Shah Rukh Khan was aware and was acting as if he was angry.” In fact, Galal even posted a selfie with Khan later through his Twitter handle. Whether the selfie was clicked before or after the brawl is not known but it certainly weighs in the favour of Dadlani’s statement.

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— Ramez Galal (@ramezgalal) June 2, 2017

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