Shah Rukh Khan responds to 'Jabra' fan in the cutest way, Twitter can't keep calm

Shah Rukh Khan's response can be nothing but adorable.

Today, when Prateek Deb, a Mumbai resident went for a morning walk today, little would he have thought that he would spot superstar Shah Rukh Khan leaving in his car with little Abram. A normal work day starts late in Mumbai and may be that is why it was close to 9 and Prateek, immediately tweeted tagging SRK ‘came for a morning walk.Saw u leaving just 5 minutes back with window glass wide open. Spot  urself at the back seat.’

To Prateek surprise, King Khan responded to Prateek’s tweet almost immediately, within like 15 minutes in what can be called the cutest response ever. Referring to Abram in his tweet, Shah Rukh wrote ‘Was on way to drop my baby to school. U have a good walk.’ And the mention of cute little Abram was enough for Twitter to go crazy. In no time, Twitter was Shah Rukh’s Twitter handle was flooded with old photographs of him and Abram with bizarre sentences, people were congratulating Prateek, and some of them even started requesting the superstar to respond to them as well. Duh!
See how all of it started, LOL:

Below is Shah Rukh’s tweet mentioning Abram and wishing Prateek ‘a good walk’:

And Twitter just could keep calm :

And what does this even mean? ‘Emotional atyachar’? ROFL.
