Shoaib Akhtar, former Pakistan fast bowler, who boasts of an immense fan following in his country as well as abroad was brutally trolled after one of his videos went viral. Even after retirement from international cricket, Shoaib Akhtar remains in news either with his popular Pakistani TV shows or his controversial statements or can be heard behind the mic as a commentator. He is also quite active on his social media pages, on Facebook and Twitter and makes sure to keep in touch with his fans and fans are never disappointed. But with this latest video, his fans as well as critics got together to troll him and it is not funny.
A video posted by a Facebook page, The Leaks Page, featuring Shoaib Akhtar went viral for all wrong reasons with people bashing up the poor pace bowler left, right and centre. It is only normal that every celebrity, male or female, in order to look ‘a certain way’ on camera is given a touch-up before going on-air. But Shoaib Akhtar’s make-up went horribly wrong when he appeared on-screen with a really dark shade of lipstick and too much eye-shadow.
(Also read: Twitter turned this adorably ‘curious’ baby into hilariously relatable memes)
The video which went viral and has been viewed by more than 243 k Facebook users and has been shared by many. The comments are anything but funny with some of them calling him ‘Gay Akhtar’, ‘Shoaib Akhtar Jan’ (comparing him to the popularly unpopular gay social media star, Nasir Khan Jan) and some calling him ‘hijra’ (transgender) as if these are some expletives, all in bad taste. There were also a few who came out in support of the legend of the cricketing world.
Sample some of the Facebook comments:
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