While your Facebook timeline is full of friends are updating their “relationship status” or uploading mushy photos with way too many hashtags, and your Instagram is inundated with 100 photos of your “friend’s night out with his cute girlfriend”, and you, on the other hand, have slept for 13 hours straight after binge watching the entire season of “Real Housewives”, but hey! that’s a great feat too. Don’t let yourself bow down to peer pressure and indulge in dating when you know you can do better things like being SINGLE FOREVER.
Who needs a bae when you have Netflix, alcohol, some great friends and most importantly – you. After all, Beyonce made ‘Single ladies’ for a reason.
So today, let’s walk you through the benefits of being single and why choosing singlehood is the best decision you can make:
Not that having a bae is equal to a dictatorship, but if so you have all the more reason to be single. But relationships, in general, are too much work because you always have to think about other person’s choices and make plans according to your significant other’s routine.
Isn’t this enough reason for you to consider singlehood? I mean, think about gorging on that cheesy pepperoni pizza alone in your king sized bed on the chilly winter night. #Goals.
Or rather, “organised mess” I’d say. No worries about living as messy as you want to be, because hey, there’s no one to judge or rant about.
Say hello to all the money you save! No more going on expensive and fancy Fridays or exotic weekend trips. Your phone bills are low, battery always charged, money loves you, my friend.
Unlike your relationships where you are dragging around your workplace with puffy eye bags cursing yourself that you should have slept for least 5 hours, hell no! Being single means a good sound sleep of 10 hours cuz I ain’t waiting for the delivered mushy messages and blue ticks.
If you have a resolution, you are likely to stick to it when single. This may be because of the amount of time you have to yourself when you are single. Relationships are a roller coaster, one moment you two are love birds, the next arch-enemies.
While being single, there is no baggage of fights, compromise, or long patch-ups, you know that you always have your back. #DontNeedAnyone
Hallelujah to that! Spend an entire hour in the bathroom and there’s nobody to crib about it. No hurry ups in mornings, no adjusting your time. Girl, you follow that late night beauty routine and take as much time as you want!
No reading between the lines. Netflix is finally yours without any interruption.
Binge on chick flicks all you want, watch “Real Housewives” or “Keeping Up with Kardashians”, read novels and cry your heart out, there’s no one to give you “that” look.
This is no surprise that relationship takes a toll on your friendships. While being single, you can actually go out, partaayy, make new friends and cherish old friendships for life.
Singlehood comes with a complimentary self-love where you are no more overwhelmed being alone, no more sad to go out and read in cafes alone, travel alone, or go to concerts alone. #HelloSelfLove
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