The Dress is old news, this apparently pink shoe has the Internet puzzled

The color of this ordinary sneaker is worth a million arguments. Consult your Ophthalmologists before you dive right in

Once upon a time there was a dress, nay, The Dress. It was 2015 and people were going berserk over the actual color of the dress. From angry debates to rants, everything was consumed by The Dress. Though people debated over the golden white dress, the actual hues were blueish black. But still, that dress was quite something as it divided the Internet and became a part of modern day folklore (as is obvious from this article). Fast forward to 2017 and a shoe is taking the Internet by storm. The color of the shoe is debatable unless you are the actual owner of that shoe. Sources say that the shoe first surfaced in a private Facebook group. But it has actually been making people on Twitter crazy about the real colors of the ordinary looking sneaker.

rt if u see pink and white

fav if u see grey and green mint pic.twitter.com/nS0k557wSp

— give ksoo a (@solornbalbum) October 13, 2017

People were arguing, clearly on different sides of the story:

It’s clearly gray and mint how can u see pink…

— may²⁴ – @TwentyFour_88) October 13, 2017

Someone sensed the suspicion of The Dress being disguised as The Shoe. Hmm, interesting…

Its grey and mint how are people seeing pink and white? Oh but wait… is this ‘THE’ dress disguised as a shoe pic.twitter.com/tEllbGIkbN

— BaekFm (@ExoFuj) October 13, 2017

Some were busy making fun

deadass looked at this earlier, saw grey and mint. looked at it again just now and as i stared it slowly transitioned to pink and white???? pic.twitter.com/GpeEcS3h0h

— elle (@hunified) October 13, 2017

Others were wondering what everyone was smoking (a valid question y’all)

What are y’all smoking to see pink and white lol

— Richard Ruhr (@MrRichardRuhr) October 13, 2017

Some had different ways of selling their argument with 50 shades of the shoe

look at the sickly colour of the hand. As others point out, it’s a colour cast, which you can play at removing in an image editing program. pic.twitter.com/S4jGQemMbf

— Stanley Q Woodvine (@sqwabb) October 13, 2017

And before Twitterati could explode, someone finally solved the mystery for us:

Left is the original shoe–Someone edited the picture by adjusting the lighting to a strong turqoise hue. Notice the lighting on the hand pic.twitter.com/m0jXAQee9Y

— Caleb (@FizzleCheeks) October 13, 2017

Okay who was using Photoshop in class?

Also Read: Girl roasts elder sister, 3 years later the video is still viral with over 4 million views

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