Body shaming is hardly a new issue. In fact, it is one of the major prevalent issues behind anxiety, eating disorders, self-loathing et al. Despite many efforts by women activists, the world is reflected through the prism of ‘fat and thin’ where love handles are loathed and belly fat abhorred, where trying keto diet or fasting for three days is sane but being comfortable in your own body is not. Truth be told, body shaming still remains one of the least addressed issues in the world. But that is gradually changing. Recently, to share her experience about being body shamed, Sally Bergeson, the CEO of Oiselle, took to Twitter and started a new talk about body shaming.
Using the hashtag #TheySaid, Sally shared her experience of being body shamed by her dad when she was 12. In her tweet, she says: “Keep eating like that and you’re going to be a butterball.” My Dad when I was 12. Pls RT and share a body shaming comment. #TheySaid”
“Keep eating like that and you’re going to be a butterball.” My Dad when I was 12. Pls RT and share a body shaming comment. #TheySaid
— Sally Bergesen (@oiselle_sally) May 25, 2017
Soon, other women joined the bandwagon and shared their painful experiences:
“You’d be so pretty if you lost weight.” My mother & grandmother, starting at age 8 and still going. #TheySaid
— melicious (@melicious___) June 2, 2017
Big people like you shouldn’t be in pageants! It was my first and only pageant I will ever do. #theysaid
— Brianna Podruchny (@banana_2018) June 1, 2017
“You really should stop eating so much, you’re getting fatter each passing day” my mom. I was a size 6. Been anorexic for 3yrs now #TheySaid
— Sara (@iomichiamosara) June 1, 2017
“You would be so beautiful if you just lost some weight” said my mom while I was getting ready for a job. #TheySaid
— Joni DuPre RN (@jcdupre11) May 30, 2017
“You should feed her a sandwich” – said to my husband (and I) while at a party. #TheySaid during my #marathontraining
— Jenn Harowicz (@jennharowicz) May 29, 2017
“She thinks just because she’s got big t*ts, she knows everything…” said my stepfather to my little sister when I was just 12 #theysaid
— Clint & Leesa Wilson (@wehavenobaddays) May 26, 2017
“i wish you had a smaller stomach and bigger thighs but i love you just the way you are” my boyfriend of almost a year at the time #theysaid
— katherine (@katherineL1106) June 1, 2017
‘Wow you eat so much’ family member a month after eating disorder treatment #TheySaid
— Alexe (@himynamesbowlby) June 1, 2017
“You better stop eating like that, you will be fat forever” My mom @ age 10 till present. #TheySaid
— Pam Rieser (@PBCUP1234) May 25, 2017
“Wow, I’m sure there aren’t many calories in THAT.” A seemingly harmless joke that changed my relationship with food for years #TheySaid
— Sarah McIntosh (@SarahKiviniemi) May 25, 2017
We have all had our days starving, calorie counting and beating ourselves. Get out of that toxic mindset and throw the toxic people away.
Why not try something different? How about being confident in your body for a change?
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