What did you do when you were a 5-year-0ld child? You probably played with your toys, slept, ate, rode your bicycle, binged on Spongebob and Scooby Doo and annoyed your parents to death. This child pretty much does the same thing. Except, he earns millions doing the things that an average 5-year-old does.
Meet Ryan. Ryan earns Rs 6.5 crores a month. That’s alright, let it sink in. Again, no kidding. So, what does he do that us mere mortals have probably failed to do to make the kind of money he does? He reviews his toys on his YouTube channel Ryan ToysReview.
Ryan (Photo: YouTube)
More than 5 million people have subscribed to Ryan’s YouTube channel. Also, if you watch his videos, they are so simple yet so appealing. He unboxes his toys, plays with them, speaks excitedly to the camera and puts a smile on billions of faces instantly.
Yes, his videos get crazy billions of views per week making him one of the youngest YouTuber and his channel—one of the most popular in the United States.
However, this was not the case when he first started uploading videos on his YouTube channel in 2015. It was only after this video that Ryan started getting noticed and slowly went on to become a YouTube star.
His mom, who was a Chemistry professor at the high school, quit her job to concentrate on Ryan’s YouTube channel. Needless to say, his creative and innocent way of appearing in a video is also fetching huge amount of advertising revenue. Also, his parents make sure that his schooling does not suffer amid all of this. They mostly film the video during the weekends and edit the video while Ryan is at school.
Ryan (Photo: Youtube)
Way to go, Ryan! Inspired yet?
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