This Best Man’s gift to the groom was a video made specially for him by Pornhub

This best friend-cum-Best Man gave the groom the most delightful gift on his wedding day: Pornhub video and a gift from Pornhub. Read on to know more.

We all have that best friend who would do anything for us, be there for us each time we need him/her to cheer us up, to share everything with us, and pull your leg all the time. Weddings are the time you expect your best friend to be there with you, sharing every moment, running around arranging things for you, basically making you feel more special on your special day. That is exactly what a Best Man did for his best friend at his wedding and what’s more, he presented a video from Pornhub for him during his Best Man speech.

In front of all the guests and family members, Danny Hodgetts’ best friend and Best Man, Thom gave a speech and then, came the video for Danny from Pornhub. Thom starts with “I was thinking what has Danny always loved…” and he goes on to mention how he has travelled with Danny for work and knows what Danny likes. The moment Thom mentions Pornhub, the audience breaks into a laughter and someone jokingly exclaims ‘what’s going on here…’.

The Pornhub video that Thom got made for his best friend has already received more than 347 k views on YouTube. And no, unfortunately, the video is not what you’re thinking it would be. Danny posted Thom’s speech on his Twitter handle with the link to the YouTube video.

Thanks to Thom, Danny also got a free premium subscription to Pornhub.

Can’t believe @pornhub & my best man, Thom, pulled together for the best man’s speech at my wedding!! https://t.co/PlziTlPsuB #PREMIUM!

— Danny Hodgetts (@1HodgePodge) August 10, 2017

Also the reactions on YouTube video were pretty funny:

(Also read: Internet shares dumbest things they believed to be true as kids, and it will leave you in splits)

Here’s the original Pornhub video posted on their Twitter handle:

here’s the original video! pic.twitter.com/cLbPG32kF1

— Pornhub ARIA (@Pornhub) August 10, 2017

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