Dogs need a lot of care and once trained they can be as smart as you can be. And the same can be said for Eclipse, a female dog in Seattle, who takes the bus till the park without the help of her owner. Doesn’t that sound cute? Eclipse has become really popular with the people who travel on the same route and almost all the bus drivers know her. Although dogs are supposed to be on leash while travelling on public transport, according to the law, but Eclipse is really well-behaved and doesn’t bother other co-passengers and that is the reason that all the drivers on the route allow her to board the bus.
Credit: Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog/ Facebook
Half Labrador and half Mastiff, Eclipse started travelling all by herself when once her owner and she were waiting at the bus stop and their bus arrived. While her owner was busy taking a puff and did not board the bus, Eclipse got into the bus and got off four stations later at the Belltown Park. Since then, the smart doggie has been taking the bus ride to the park each day.
Credit: Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog/ Facebook
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Eclipse has a Facebook page to herslef which describes her as “The Bus Riding Dog. As a Mastador I’m 1/2-Mastiff & 1/2-Lab, …I love my big city life and enjoy taking the D line daily to the Belltown dog park… My Birthday is April 15th 2012, making me 3 yrs. old or 21 in dog yrs. Yeah that’s right, I’m legal, Seattle.That’s why I recommend riding the bus. ” LOL. Eclipse has more than 6 k followers.
Credit: Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog/ Facebook
Now, Eclipse loves travelling on her own, independently while her owner, confident of her self-confidence joins her later in the park. Fellow passengers enjoy Eclipse’s company as this harmless little one sits there quietly just like any other person.
Credit: Eclipse Seattle’s Bus Riding Dog/ Facebook
(Story source: Boredpanda)
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