2017 saw Bengaluru shamed. Previous years and decades have seen Mumbai shamed, Guwahati shamed, Delhi shamed and India shamed. Over and over again women have been molested on our nation’s streets and more often than not in the presence of several onlookers. Onlookers and bystanders, who keep to the true essence of these terms and just look and by-stand while women are violated in every way possible.
People have a habit of being dedicated bystanders in our country, irrespective of whether it’s someone getting murdered or raped or beaten to death or even set on fire. All their patience kicks in when another citizen gets violated and kicks out when it comes to standing in lines or waiting at traffic signals. Not very long ago, a young accident victim lost his life after bleeding to death on a very busy road. Of course, because the people were busy being bystanders and onlookers.
A video posted on Facebook by a page named ‘Autumn Worldwide’ makes use of this brilliant talent of our citizens and clubs it with the ‘Mannequin Challenge’ trend to create the hashtag ‘Don’t Be A Mannequin’.
It delivers a strong message and seems like another boring, mainstream Mannequin challenge till the time the real issue creeps in. The video does not absolve authorities and the police of all the blame, but at the same time tells us how basic human solidarity could have also avoided the situation from getting this bad. It’s appalling to see how none of the people present in such situations ever raise a voice or even call for the required help.
The #DontBeAMannequin questions the role of fellow citizens when a woman or even a man or in fact anybody is in distress. It’s high time we all own up to our responsibility at an individual level and realize that we have the power to keep each other safe.
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