However brave we might try to be, there has always been a time for everyone when we have been a little jumpy with the thought of ghosts. And argue as much as you like, movies like The Ring and The Exorcist have us convinced ghosts of little children are legit the most frightening of them all (unless there’s a ghost doll). Now, imagine you had to share an apartment with a little child ghost just running around the house… Creepy, right? Well, the horror is real for at least one man. Adam Ellis is convinced that there is a haunting spirit of a dead child living in his apartment and that it is trying to kill him!
Adam (30) shares his apartment in New York City with a ghost apparently (and two of his cats that actually make this whole story creepier). The first time Adam encountered the ghost named ‘Dear David’, who seems to have his head bashed in, he was dreaming but now he believes that little David has “crossed over into the real world now.”

Adam drew a sketch of what ‘Dear David’ looks like.
Adam has detailed the entire recurring hauntings in a Twitter thread and frankly, we are all a little worried about him.
It started off slow, just like it does in movies…
He started appearing in dreams, but I think he’s crossed over into the real world now.
— (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
He had a huge misshapen head that was dented on one side. I did my best to draw it:
— (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
I couldn’t move because I was paralyzed. (I have sleep paralysis fairly often. It sucks.)
— (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
Then it escalated really quickly:
I had another dream a few nights later, where I was in a library and a girl came up to me and said, “You’ve seen Dear David, haven’t you?”
— (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
She continued, “He’s dead. He only appears at midnight, and you can ask him two questions if you said ‘Dear David’ first.”
— (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
Then, David came back in another dream. Same situation—I was in bed, and he was sitting in the rocking chair near the window, staring at me.
— (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
I say, “Dear David, what happened in the store?” He groans, “A shelf was pushed on my head.”
— (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
I realize that I’ve asked a third question, which I’m not supposed to do. At that point, I wake up, absolutely terrified.
— (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
I even try different names—Daniel, Dylan, Devon. Nothing. A few weeks go by without incident.
— (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
Poor Adam even tried moving out of his apartment but, it did not help…
Another month or two goes by, and I sort of forget about Dear David. I think he lost track of me because I moved upstairs.
— (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
For the past 4 nights, my cats gather at the front door at exactly midnight & just stare at it, almost like something is on the other side.
— (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
When I opened the door and turned on the hall light, nothing was there, but my cats seemed unnerved. Bushy tails, etc.
— (@moby_dickhead) August 7, 2017
What do you think he should do?
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