People love having beauty standards in place as a means to distinguish between what can be defined as beautiful and what can’t. Lately, however, we are seeing several defiant souls shattering these archaic perceptions of how a person should look like. Instagram model Sophia Hadjipanteli is one of them. Like several others, Hadjipanteli does not fit into the conventional definition of ‘beautiful’, owing to the unibrow that she sports ever so proudly. And no, she has no intention of tweezing or threading or waxing it away. Why should she?
Hadjipanteli has over 66k followers on Instagram and it comes as no surprise that most of them have negative things to say about the model. But she says she does not keep her eyebrows bushy for them. “I am not really doing this to show people that they have to like [my unibrow], I am more so doing it to show people that they can get on with their lives by having a preference. I personally think my face looks better this way. Others disagree, and that’s totally cool,” she told Harper’s Bazaar.
Reportedly, Hadjipanteli dyes her eyebrows darker to flaunt the all-natural look. She even had a photo-shoot posing as Frida Kahlo, the Mexican artist famous for her self-portraits, unabashedly flaunting her unibrow.
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Like Kahlo, Hadjipanteli does not want to be defined by her unibrow either. For her, the facial feature holds no greater importance than an eyeliner or a lipstick. She said:
In five years I might look back and think, ‘that was a cool phase!’ But until people start to accept others for this specific feature on their face, I won’t feel ready to move on from it.
Check out some of her pictures below:
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A post shared by Sophia Hadjipanteli (@sophiahadjipanteli) on
A post shared by Sophia Hadjipanteli (@sophiahadjipanteli) on
I’m not over these fur pics #LetMeHaveMyMoment
A post shared by Sophia Hadjipanteli (@sophiahadjipanteli) on
A post shared by Sophia Hadjipanteli (@sophiahadjipanteli) on
. If you’re really village you’ll know. wish I was at @guababeachbar rn with @djcarnage
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I feel like superwoman in @guess #LoveGUESS
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@guess WHO BITCHES lol jk #LoveGUESS
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Doesn’t she look absolutely breathtaking?
(source: Harper’s Bazaar)
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