You know you have the best job on the planet when all you have to do the entire day is look at adorable dog pictures/videos and rate the dogs.
A Twitter account by the name of WeRateDogs does exactly what the name implies- They rate dogs on the scale of 1 to 10.
Users can submit footage of their puppies to the account. With a brief and precise introduction, they rate the dogs out of 10. PS: All the dogs are 12/10. Some are 13. Because c’mon, they’re dogs.
Here are some of their best tweets that’ll make you go aww. Totally SFW content ahead:
Here’s Buddy. Buddy doesn’t trust glass doors. 10/10 would say “Remain empowered, pupper”
This is Buddy. He ran into a glass door once. Now he's h*ckin skeptical. 13/10 empowering af (vid by Brittany Gaunt)
— WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) January 7, 2017
Air-type doggos are as cute as land-type doggos. 10/10.
This is Ava. She just blasted off. Streamline af. Aerodynamic as h*ck. One small step for pupper, one giant leap for pupkind. 12/10
— WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) February 28, 2017
This dog is prettier than any of us will ever be. 10/10.
Atlas is back and this time he's prettier than the sunset. Seems to be aware of it too. 13/10 would give modeling contract
— WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) February 26, 2017
Professional doggo has no time for your nonsense. He has places to be. 10/10.
This is Rory. He's got an interview in a few minutes. Looking spiffy af. Nervous as h*ck tho. 12/10 would hire
— WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) October 14, 2016
100/10 for the Bone Jovi pun.
This is Eli. He works backstage at Bone Jovi concerts. Heavy duty earmuffs for puptection. H*ckin safe boy. 11/10
— WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) February 25, 2017
10/10 for the tiny pupper.
Meet Ash. He's a Benebop Cumberplop. Quite rare. Fairly portable. Lil sandy tho. Clearly knows something you don't. 12/10 would hug softly
— WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) February 25, 2017
Nothing better than a Panda-esque doggo. 10/10
We only rate dogs. Please don't send in any non-canines like this Floppy Tongued House Panda. Thank you… 12/10 would still pet
— WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) February 24, 2017
10/10 would boop this bathing doggo.
Here's a doggo fully pupared for a shower. H*ckin exquisite balance. Sneaky tongue slip too. 13/10
— WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) February 23, 2017
For more doggos, check out their Twitter page.
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