Viral photo: Husky gets a shave, the result makes Twitter laugh out loud

This image of a husky with a shaved body is definitely a work of art. Looking for a pick-me-up? We've got you covered.

For those of you who need a good laugh to get through the last dregs of Friday, we’ve got you covered. With summer breathing down our necks with what feels like the fury of a thousand suns (we’re allowed to exaggerate when it’s almost 50 degree celsius), a haircut seems like a logical step for most. Humans and their pets are found at regular intervals in saloons and pet shops respectively to do away with the umm.. excess baggage.

Furry dog species, like huskies, shih tzus, pomeramians require most attention (read haircuts) for their fur is thick and long making survival in the heat pretty difficult. At one such outing, this rather unfortunate husky got a really, really close shave from his local pet shop and the result will make you tear up. With laughter. The entire body has been shaved, expect for the head which makes it feel like a dog was forced to wear a husky mask.

Also read: Dogs got banned from travelling on New York subway ‘unless they fit in a bag’, people responded with this

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The image was shared by Twitter user, Shishou, who goes by the handle @OmonaKami and went massively viral for obvious reasons. Reweeted over 24k times with over 52k likes, the image is well and truly on its way to becoming a meme.

If you've never seen a husky with absolutely no body hair then here you go. Enjoy pic.twitter.com/BQww3jUbmB

— Shishou (@OmonaKami) June 8, 2017

Obviously people responded to the original image with ‘close shave’ stories of their own:

My doodle, allergy month must be cut. like bobble head malamute. Ck out Ms. Uggie b/f I adopted her. (Kept name) pic.twitter.com/WYAQ2ATnyZ

— Wadem (@bernard_karin) June 8, 2017

Look at this one pic.twitter.com/pe492E7gSr

— Gob Grooves (@GabeeBAMF) June 8, 2017


— Ryan Schꙮmburg (@r42) June 8, 2017

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