How often does one see a beer company take a stand against sexism? Almost never. But, the times… they are a-changin’. A Brazilian beer company has chosen to redefine its advertisements to make them seem less degrading towards women.
The Brazilian beer company called Skol hired six female artists who would help them rebrand their ads and present them from a gender neutral mindset. In its latest promotional video ad released on March 13, Skol says, “These images are part of our past. But the world has evolved and so has Skol. And this doesn’t represent us anymore.”
The six illustrators, Elisa Arruda, Eva Uviedo, Taina Criola, Camila do Rosário, Manuela Eichner and Carol Rossetti, joined the cause to stop the blatant objectification of women in such advertisements. As per the female artists, their objective was to detach from the idea that the models were serving the beer and to replace it with an outlook that the models were the consumers themselves.
“One thing I really wanted to do was take the woman away from the role of the person serving the beer. Now, she is drinking the beer,” Arruda said. “It is important to deconstruct stereotypes, preconceived notions,” said Criola in the video who is another illustrator in the latest rebranding campaign.
The “Reposter” campaign was initiated because addressing the issue of sexism is the first step towards bringing forth an age of gender equality.
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