Times are changing and many men have started ‘helping’ women in house chores around the world but there are still many households which still choose to treat women as slaves. And, maybe that’s why Indesit’s advertisement conceptualised by J Walter Thompson came up with the idea of showing society a mirror.
The advertisement, which was posted by Indesit with a #DoItTogether on their YouTube channel, has collected over 324k views. The same ad was later posted by a website on Facebook, after which it went viral with over 6.1 million views and 106 k shares and counting.
The ad shows a husband waking up early in the morning, doing laundry, preparing breakfast for wife and kids, sending everyone off, then getting ready for his office, returning home from work in the evening, cooking dinner for everyone and obviously, feeling tired at the end of the day. Doesn’t that sound like a usual day of a woman in any part of the world? The funny part is that the ad ends with a question ‘Would you have reacted in the same way if it would have been a woman?’, rightly assuming the reaction people would have after watching the video where a man is doing all the work in the house.
Clearly some people did not get the point of the ad, but for the ones who did, the responses and opinions were quite contrasting. While some women are still wondering where are these imaginary creatures in the world, some are feeling lucky at having an understanding partner, who shares house work with them, still others are content with being a ‘homemaker’ lauding their husband for being a ‘provider’.
Click on the link to watch the advertisement video (with sub-titles) on the Facebook page. Below are a few responses: